Saturday, March 28, 2009
11:15 PM
Thanks Yuping for the interesting post man!Was rather surprised to see it.Yay you people who are always there to keep this blog 'alive' (:

It's been sooooooooooooooo long since i last updated this blog.Sorry to all.Anyway,school is indeed texing and i just hope everyone will continue to strive on.Life in J2 wont be so easy.I'm sure you guys will know.It's rather sad that we cant have outings like we used to have;but for the sake of A's,we'll all have to make these sacrifices first.

Common Test just ended.Hmm.Mixed feelings for me,prolly for you guys too?Happy that it's over.But normal school curriculum will be starting again.And we still have a long way to go.More Testsssss,Midyear,Prelim,and the A level.

Time will passed really soon!It's already the end of March.Continue striving my fellow classmates!We're all in this together ya? (:

Love you guys many :D

Pictures on Peifen's birthday!Rather late entry.Her birthday was on 13thMarch :D Another 18years old 'adult' in our class.Yay (: Hahah.

Love to one and all again :D

!We are the ones.

Thursday, March 19, 2009
10:26 PM

Guess everyone is mugging their head off, like myself. Just here to wish you people best of luck for common tests, and do remember we are in this together! Alright, I need to study now manz! CIAOZ!!!

- Coolio Yuping :) -

!We are the ones.