Sunday, January 25, 2009
12:15 AM
Another week have passed!The time really fliesssssssssss.Hahhaa.Anyway,just hope that last week was not so draining,we've to face more of this in the future.With many many MANY tests coming up!Anyway,Chinese New Year is like tomorrow!!!:D Hahaha.GONGXIFACAI eve to everyone!Have some photos taken on friday after the new year celebration.A class lunch at coca;takashimaya!So glad that more than half the class wentttt.Hope eveyone will be present in the next outingggg.Any suggestions on the next outing?

ROCK ON 08s15!!! :D

!We are the ones.

Sunday, January 18, 2009
2:25 AM
ADIOS CLASS!Yay us:D One week have passed,time just passed like nothinggg.HAHA.Hope the week was fine for everyone.So glad common test was not on the first week,we will prolly die from it!Anyway,just be sure to study for the upcoming common test!
Math(Summation,Differential Equation), Physics(Oscillation,Gravitation,Superposition,Waves,Thermal), Chemistry(Stoichoimetry,Organic Chemistry), CSE/History!
The dates are on the notice board------>
Oh yah,we've made some changes to the designs of the class tee as the previous one is a little too complicated.And if we want to print it,it'll be rather costly.I'm trying to get one shirt for $15(printing both side+name at the side),so bothered miss zhong again to redesign the shirt.Yeaps.There's two choices for now,hopefully the chosen one will be the final design.

Here they are:



Oh yah,I'm sure everyone have received the message from Julia.Please take note that we all HAVE(compulsory!)to be at NTU(Around Boon Lay) for the Chingay briefing!We'll go there as a class after school on Monday(19.01.09).So be prepared for it!Will see you peeps really soon!


!We are the ones.

2:15 AM
Some photos taken on the 18.01.09!

Hope you enjoy the small moment with us!


!We are the ones.