Friday, August 29, 2008
11:09 PM
Hello to all!
Hope everyone have enjoyed yourself today.I must say,the teachers' day celebration was rather good.The performance was great, but aces day was not really meaningful.S15!thank you fellow peeps for the contributions in one way or another.Specially thankful to Cassandra for purchasing those gift for the teachers.Julia.T did a great job in conveying the message to the class too.And not forgetting Neil and Julia.K who have volunteer to dress up for 'be-yourself-day.You guys rock! (:

Photos for teachers' day celebration:

There goes another week(: September holiday is next weeeeeeeek!Do do DO make full use of this holiday to study for your promos!(i'm sure you guys will do it) TWO MORE WEEKS to let's muggggggggg together! (:

The holiday assignment for the september break.Here are they:
1. GP:One Full essay
2. GP "Attitude towards work" stuff(no idea what this is.if anyone know about it,please tag or something to let me know)
3. Vocabulary Exercise(Answers up in the portal,read up on it.As there may be a mini vocasb test when the school reopens)
4. ALL your uncompleted MATH,PHYSICS.CHEMISTRY tutorials! (:
*If i miss out anything,DO inform me about it!have to update it (:

Also,there'll be lectures/extra lessons during the holidays too!Here it is:
1.Tuesday(020808) China Studies Lecture- 8amto10am MPR5
2.Tuesday(020808) Chemistry Lecture-10amto12am at LT4
3. Wednesday(030808) Chemistry Lecture-10amto12am at LT4
4. Thursday (040808) Math Remedial-10amto12am

Remember to be on time for the lectures,AND study hard peeps!
Oh yah,if anyone wish to post an entry or something,you can get the email and the password of the blog from either Amantha or Jiayan (: We hope more people will get into the class blog.
So long people!


!We are the ones.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008
12:52 AM
Yupppppppppp.Here's the picture for junyan's birthday! (:

The birthday boyyy;MR BEAN (: for a funny picture of the class.This was taken many many months ago!
Funny to the max!hahaha.

yay to one and all in s15!
continue to strive harddddddddd :D


!We are the ones.

Saturday, August 23, 2008
11:21 PM
Hello fellow s15!Firstly firstly,we have to thank jiayan and her friend, crystal, for the creation of the blog.Without them,there wont be a s15 blog.Hahaha.BIG THANK YOU (:
Everyone have to admit.Time really really flies!Do make fuuuuuuuuuuuuull use of the time now to study hard :D THREE MORE WEEKS THREE MORE WEEKS to go!hahaha.
An eventful week for everyone i guess.Had a number of tests.Yup,everyone is feeling the stress.PERSEVERE ON PEOPLE!Life will definitely be better after our promos!And yes,EVERY single one in s15 will promote to year2.Anyway,celebrated junyan's birthday on friday!
Pictures will be loaded asap! (:

Some pictures taken during CT on wednesday:

cherry is happy!

mr tan & wilson!


he's always like that.
Dr Brandon chearn!


Yup,that's s15! (:
Math test next monday(25.08.08)-Chapter 12 (Application of Intergration)
that's about it i guess.

Loves, Amanthaa (:

!We are the ones.

Friday, August 15, 2008
1:55 PM
the blog is officially done after so so long.
if there are anything wrong regrading your profile thingy, pls give us a note at the tagboard. :)

i sincerely hope that all of you will view the blog regularly as announcements regarding class outing or class things will be posted up here.
of course, we will still be using the relay system message to pass down message.
outing photos and post will also be posted up here.
so want to grab your photos? want to read about the class outing?
then, remember to view yours truly 08S15 blog! =D

at the side of this blog, there is one heading : 'noticeboard'
its tells us what are the upcoming tests and events we have.
so if you forgot or need to know what are the upcoming tests, you can view it here.
tagboard is used for chatting, info asking and etc.
but but, its not used for scolding or whatever.
pls do not use vulgarities in the tagboard. :)

physics test on monday.
remember to study for it!
good luck to all fellow 08S15 classmates. :D

!We are the ones.