Sunday, April 4, 2010
12:14 AM

"And so we talked all night about the rest of our lives
Where we're gonna be when we turn 25
I keep thinking times will never change
Keep on thinking things will always be the same

But when we leave this year we won't be coming back
No more hanging out cause we're on a different track"

My fellow s15, thanks for the memories we have been through together.
Even though the time we spent together is a mere 1 year plus (or even lesser), but i'm really grateful to have known you people.
A's result was long out, and i hope everyone will make the right decision for their future (:
Wish every single one best of luck in whatever you do.
Thank you s15, for contributing in my fruitful JC life (in one way or another).

As we go on
We remember
All the times we
Had together
And as our lives change
From whatever
We will still be Friends Forever

With lots of love,

P.S: I know no one come and visit this place already, it's prolly a really dead place (:
But i'm glad we have this blog to capture the wonderful memories we had in PJ, as 08s15!

!We are the ones.

Friday, December 25, 2009
6:03 PM
Hi peeps! The 2009 chalet have ended, and im not here to promote another chalet so don't worry. First and foremost, thanks Hongda for organising the chalet, his effort is appreciated by me, and I hope the rest of the class ( I thank him because of the vodka! ). Of course it's always nice** to gather as class, because let's just face the fact that we will be going our seperate ways soon ( or even now ). Guys (maybe amantha ) will be going to NS, and the girls some still touring round the world, some working. So ( after typing so much ), i just hope that you peeps can meet up more often. '' Don't be the person that wait for things to happen, be the person that make things happen. ''

As for myself, im working on something for the class, hopefully I can get it done before i enlist during feb 2nd, its getting delayed, partially because of my laziness, and because of my schedule being really pack. But trust me, it will be done before i enlist, and all you have to do is to keep your screen refreshed every now and then on the class blog (not even asking you to post ok?-.-)

Next, I will organising another outing, one-day off event ( mid afternoon to night ), im not saying what it will be. I just hope that every one can make it on 9th of jan. The date will only be change if majority of the class cannot make it, so if you choose to give it a miss for some reason, so be it (:

Signing off

!We are the ones.

Saturday, September 5, 2009
12:18 AM
i supposed this blog is officially dead.

But anyway,i'll still update it since i've some photos with me.Celebrated a few of our classmates' birthday and here are the photos :D Oh yah,also have some photos when some nice soul in class 'volunteer' to make the teacher's day card.You people really rocks!They took their study time off to make teacher's day card;i'm sure the teachers will appreciate the cards we made.
BEWARE:The post is overloaded with photos!laughs.

Junyan's 18th! (22nd August)

Teacher's day card making @ Macs! :D

Mr Tan hugeeeeeeeeeee card :D

Neil's 18th! (4th September)

lunch timeeeeeeee (:

present time!! :D

the 'cool' picture i took!

JOKE/Picture of the day!! :D

Love this group picture too :D

Yeah,the prelim exam exams are starting,and i know i shouldnt be here.But this will prolly be my last post till then.WORK HARD MY FELLOW S15.We all know that our final aim is the A level;however, the prelim will be a good gauge for us to see where our revision is bringing us to.So it is vital that we give in all we have for this.I'm sure we're all in this together.Work hard!We reap what we sow :D
Best of luck to all my fellow classmates.

Life is a series of experiences, each one of which makes us bigger, even though it is hard to realize this. For the world was built to develop character, and we must learn that the setbacks and griefs which we endure help us in our marching onward.
-- Henry Ford
yours,amantha :D

!We are the ones.